Course curriculum
How to Best Prepare for the Course
BONUS: Proven mindset tools to free yourself from indecision
Lesson 1: Know What Matters to You and Identify the Real Problem
Lesson 1a: Assess the Risk: How to know what you're really getting into
Lesson 1b: Assess the Risk: Is it worth it? Will he change? + Barriers to change
Lesson 1c: Assess the Risk: Signs he may change for the better
Lesson 2: Access Your Intuitive Power and Choose from Worthiness
Recommended Books
My Relationship History and Patterns
My Relationship Requirements
Relationship Readiness Checklist
If You're Still Feeling Really Stuck and What it May Mean (Start Here)
You might have unhealed emotional wounds
You might be in a codependent relationship
You might be suffering from anxiety or depression
You might be a victim of emotional abuse
Q&A Call Recording
Am I being insecure or this is a real issue?
Am I being judgmental too early?
How do I know if I'm risking "too much"?
How can I communicate my needs in a healthy and productive way? Part 1
How can I communicate my needs in a healthy and productive way? Part 2
He pulls away emotionally after I've discussed the issue. When do I call it quits?
How do I stay in my feminine energy when I really want to move the relationship forward?
How do I continue to get to know him while dating others?
About this course
- $37.00
- 26 lessons
- 7.5 hours of video content